Jimmy Del Ponte On The Silly Side
(At this time of year, there are many versions of the classic "Twas the Night Before Christmas" – I hope you enjoy this one.)
Twas the Night Before Christmas, and all through the 'Ville;
All my presents were purchased, and man what a bill.
Thank heaven for credit cards, I have more than a few;
Though I'll pay through the nose when those buggers are due.
I just watered the tree because last year I forgot;
And three days before Christmas, it turned yellow with rot.
I was walking the dog up at Powder House Park;
On each tree he stopped to leave his special mark.
The TV was calling, so I tried to rush home;
I unleashed the pup and gave him a milk bone.
I took a few Advils and gulped some Mylanta;
And sat back in my chair, and that's when I saw Santa!
There wasn't a sleigh, no reindeer I'm afraid;
This "Somerville Santa" drove a Red Escalade
He parked in my driveway and when I looked out;
I saw some familiar figures and I heard him shout:
Come on Bobby, and Dennis, and David, and Johnny;
Let's go Eddie, and Richie, and Kenny, and Ronnie!
I had seen these guys someplace but I couldn't say where;
From the High School, from little league, from Teele or Ball Square?
They came up to my living room and we had some egg-nog;
Their faces were friendly, but my memory was fogged.
We laughed and we joked, and we had a few beers;
But my face – it was wet – I was shedding some tears.
I finally remembered who all these folks were;
Though it was very dreamlike and their faces were blurred.
It was all of my friends who had left us too soon;
My pals who I'd lost – were all here in one room!
We hugged and we laughed and we had lots of fun;
They all looked so healthy, they all looked so young.
Christine and Diane – even Janet was there;
She was just seventeen, it just didn't seem fair.
When I said "oh my God" and yelled "Joey" real loud;
Three Joeys had answered, three was such a sweet crowd!
They were kids we grew up with, they were friends who had passed;
We were all reminiscing, we were having a blast.
Was it something I ate, was I dreaming it all?
Who cares, it was like Heaven, and we all had a ball!
But the next thing I knew, it was getting near dawn;
I suddenly glanced to find everyone was gone.
I looked out the window – the red Caddy was there;
Then quickly it rose up and sped through the air.
As I whispered goodbye and took one final peek;
There still was one tiny tear left on my cheek.
I suddenly wanted to call all my loved ones;
I needed to talk to my buddies and chums.
I told them I loved them and how special they were;
Since I'd had such a gift from that jolly chauffeur.
So at Christmas it's all about people we love;
The ones still down here, and the ones up above.
As we open our presents – Chia Pets and the Clapper;
There is one gift that just doesn't come in a wrapper.
They are memories, mementos, they are photographs too;
Of the loved ones so special to me and to you.
I yelled "Thanks Somerville Santa" as they sped out of sight;
Merry Christmas to all and to all a good night.
You can email Jimmy directly at jimmydel@rcn.com.
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