The View From Prospect Hill

On December 25, 2008, in Uncategorized, by The News Staff

You're a mean one…

Twas the night before Christmas and all through the 'Ville;

not a constituent was complaining, not even about their increased tax bill.

With a new, strict chief that has taken over the helm;

His new revised rules have all the police officers eagerly overwhelmed..

The economy is down and in a big slum;

But Davis Square is alive and kicking and no longer a dump.

The zoning was upgraded from what the neighbors have read in the papers;

That Union Square is now awaiting some new big skyscrapers.

There's talk in the streets about big new plans;

Now that Bob Kraft's new stadium will be built for his many soccer fans.

Traffic and parking has been improved and now passes the test;

While there's still no sign of the missing SPD evidence desk.

The alderman are all waiting for Mayor Joe to announce a run for a higher move;

So that they can all run for mayor and prepare the voters for their new election fundraiser groove.

The Farm Team's freeloader has launched a series of attacks;

Slandering wrong people and causing them to watch their backs.

The city is lucky enough to have two papers that we can call our own;

But remember which one can really call Somerville home.

The big hole that was dug for the foundation on Cross Street has ended up in the bin;

Soon the owner of the property might get a letter from ISD to fill the hole in.

We might lose our hospital, oh what a big loss;

The solution could be that the doctors might need a new boss.

With a strayed elf caught on film counting bills from copy machines while kneeling on the rubber,

Only to look at his new future fate to wake up every morning with "Bubba."

A state rep who almost lost more than his way with missing papers and no one to blame;

To a sure bet that never came through by a man named Bob Trane.

The DPW has both a Stanley and a Barry;

But we no longer have a Mike Buckley that we will have to carry.

Somerville also has a man named Frankie the skipper;

Some say that he is as smooth with a slight resemblance of Flipper.

A man named Obama who one lived in the 'Ville;

He was once a guy from Harvard who forgot to pay his Somerville excise tax bill.

A man named Sullivan, an alderman at will;

Became the board president just in case the man in the corner office was to get ill.

We have two Billy's who are aldermen to help run the city right;

But remember the one with dark hair is named Bill White.

A young girl named Rebekah who loves Chinese food and cameras for posing;

Helped keep the late night restaurant offender's doors from closing.

There is a alderman named Jack be nimble jack be quick;

Jack Connolly beat his last opponent with a big old ugly political stick.

We have a Senator and her name is Pat;

She is sometimes called the mighty leader of the PDS and a Moonbat..

There is a nice women who's in charge of ward two;

If only she would smile a bit more, then we'd vote for her too.

A gift of brains would be a great thing to give to a few people in the city;

But a double dose of it would be well fit to give to the members of the charter review committee.

Condo Review Board should be an interesting and productive committee
where to sit;But instead all the fun is taken out of it because most of
them are full of bullshit.

Rebekah's condo proposal project was full of some very big flaws;

At one point she even got criticized by the one and only Mr and Mrs Santa Claus.

As the Big School Cheese shouts out "come Dancer, come Prancer, go Donner and Blitzen";

This year the School Committee needs all the help in the world, with plenty of fixin'.

This year the city yard has a high mountain of salt that Santa can dive off of wearing his new Speedo;

But some started rumors that igloos were being dug for people to hide in, like lady Torpedo.

During the snow emergency, hundreds of buried cars were towed and thousands were presented a big fat ticket;

The lines of residents standing on Holland Street in front of Traffic & Parking were pissed and ready to picket.

Our Historical Commission is constantly on the lookout for new renovations and are fining homes that a violator owns;

But one of these days they are going to dig deep enough to find dinosaurs remains and maybe even some Jimmy Hoffa bones.

A citizen name Ross blasted the Journal as he wrote his letter to the editor and got no call back;

But maybe Kat Powers is hiding and now realizes that her writer was wrong and is nothing but a big time PDS hack.

Soon Governor Patrick will throw a big wrench and cut services so extra money for Somerville will be no more;

Some department heads like Frumpy's should start to trim her fat before she is also kicked in the ass and out the door.

Tom Champion has a voice that we all know and love when he calls for a public message to be heard;

But when he calls our home for no reason at three in the morning, his voice becomes a bit absurd.

Joe Curtatone does a good job campaigning the 'Ville and moving higher might be easy as a piece of cake;

With good speeches big crowds and food he puts out "just a like Mama used to make."

The Big attorney's trial is finally over and yes he lost his drivers license and almost fainted;

Now the big slumlord should tend to his union square properties that all need to be painted.

The Homan's building on Medford Street is still vacant and most of the windows are shattered;

The last tenant that was in there had to remove his boat and re-renting it obviously never mattered.

A candidate for court clerk who's wish never came though;

Who held on to his alderman's seat that he almost gave up in lieu.

An alderman named Walter who always walking his dog;

He once tried to close the social club by looking in their window and catching them when it was dark as a bog.

A tall alderman named Tommy who doesn't always agree;

He learned all those big words when he got his degree.

So Christmas is here and so far saying Merry Christmas has caused no big fight;

We wish you all the best and have a good night.


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