Governor Patrick Asks Legislature for Expanded Budget Authority

On January 7, 2009, in Uncategorized, by The News Staff

a likely additional $1 billion budget gap this year, Governor Deval
Patrick today filed legislation requesting expanded budget-cutting
authority in order to avoid disproportionate cuts to programs and
services residents rely on most during challenging economic times.

budget gap of the magnitude we face will require tough choices that
impact individuals, families and businesses across the Commonwealth,"
said Governor Patrick. "It's necessary for us to have everything on the
table when making these decisions."

The expanded 9C power will
give the Governor emergency budget authority over agencies outside of
the Executive Branch – including the Legislature, the Judiciary,
District Attorneys, Sheriffs, and other Constitutional Officers – and
local aid.

Without 9C authority, the Governor's budget cutting
powers are limited to Executive Branch agencies. In October, with
revenues sharply declining, the Governor issued $1.4 billion in cuts
and spending controls. At that time, many Constitutional Officers and
departments outside the Executive Branch voluntarily offered to reduce
their budgets.


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