A visit from Dad

On October 8, 2011, in Latest News, by The Somerville Times

On The Silly Side by Jimmy Del Ponte

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Wednesday  my dad would have been 91 years old. Happy birthday, Dad! October is the month of Halloween and all that goes along with it. I figured it was a good time to talk about being visited by the spirits of deceased family members.

I will start with my own encounter. About three years ago I was sleeping and awoke to see my Dad standing at the end of my bed. He was not wearing his glasses and looked young and healthy. When I saw him I reached out and I touched his face, and actually could feel his beard stubble. He didn’t speak. His face was emotionless. I think he just came to let me know I was doing a good job raising his grandkids. At least I hope that’s why he visited. I didn’t know whether to smile or to cry so I did a little of both.

Was it a dream? I don’t think so. I have had thousands of dreams but this was very different. He lived in the house from 1961 to 1994, so when he passed why shouldn’t he come back for a visit? Maybe he never left. Maybe he came to express his disapproval of how I handled the finances of the house that was mortgage free when he left it to us. Whatever the reason was, I really felt that it was definitely he and that he was quite content. I had a good feeling when he left.

Every once in a while we will hear a bang or a bump in another room. My sons and I joke that it was one of our family members causing the ruckus. I know one thing that’s for sure. It makes me feel comforted to think that perhaps one of my four family members who have passed are hanging around keeping an eye on us. I always had hope that when we die it’s not the absolute end. What would be the point of being born, living a life, and then…dust? Yes I do believe there is some kind of heaven or afterlife.

About seven years ago, when I was on Dale Dorman’s show on Oldies 103, we had internationally renowned medium Suzane Northrop on. We had a live audience. She acknowledged my deceased sister by name, and said she was basically elbowing her way through the group of spirits to get to the front. That was Christine for sure. My cousin Carol was there in the audience also and felt the presence of her dad, my uncle Sal, who leaves pennies for his wife (my aunt) and daughter (Carol) as a sign that he is still around. I actually found a penny on the bike path a few years ago. The date on the penny was 1920, the year my dad was born. Pennies from heaven for sure.

When you walk down your street do you think about the neighbors who used to live there? I do. I know if I was a spirit I would want to hang around the places that I loved and felt comfortable around when I was alive.

Many of my friends have shared their personal accounts of supernatural visits by deceased family members.

Sometimes when I drive through Davis Square I think of all the store owners, employees, and friends that worked there. Mr. Wise from Fields Stationary, Mr. Errico from the photo studio, the guy who ran the record shop, the many barbers that worked at Dente’s, and Al Collins, the best cop who ever patrolled Davis Square. Mary from Woolworths (with the black hair and red lipstick) and the many friends I hung around with at Redbones, formerly Barnaby’s, formerly The Coronet. I think of all my friends from Johnny D’s, and Freddie D. who worked at The Venice Café.

There isn’t a day that goes by that I don’t think of my deceased family members and especially Dad, because now I am the dad! I try to channel him and often ask Fred for advice. Often I hear his words coming out of my mouth. After all, I am half of him, right?

So, in this season of spirits and things that go bump in the night, be on your best behavior. It just may be one of your loved ones coming back to comfort and keep an eye on you. Again, happy birthday Dad!


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