Somerville Lions Club host Zone speech contest

On January 29, 2009, in Community/Arts, by The News Staff
Photo left to right: Michael Shooshan, Cvetiva Popa, Alessandra Bautze, Ann Sabbey, Tim O'Malley, Gene Brune, Chris Bremis Judges: Tamela Roche, Lenore Hill, David Pap Photo by Bill Tauro

By William Tauro

Last Wednesday January 21st Somerville Lion Zone Chair Ann Sabbey hosted the Zone speech contest between Arlington High Student Alessandra Bautze representing Arlington Lions Club and Cvetiva Popa of Somerville High School representing the Somerville Lions Club.

The competition provides an opportunity for students to speak publicly on a designated topic. This year's topic: "How has modern media affected our lives?" The competion starts at the local club level and proceeds through levels of competition ending several months later with the statewide contest. Ms. Alessandra Bautze won the Zone speech contest and will go on to the Lions Mid Winter conference in February. The competition culminates with the five statewide district winners vying for the tile of BEST IN THE STATE. Congratulations to both Cvetiva Popa and Alessandra Bautze for their fabulous speeches. Thank you to the Speech contestant judges who volunteered their time: Tamela Roche, Lenore Hill and David Pap.


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