Newstalk for February 4

On February 4, 2009, in Uncategorized, by The News Staff

night at Sagra Restaurant and Bar in Davis Square, the Somerville
Chamber of Commerce will hold its monthly networking session from 5 pm
to 7 pm. All Chamber members are cordially invited to attend and bring
plenty of cards or information about your business.


Thursday night the City Democrats will meet at the Argenziano School at
290 Washington Street at 7 pm to elect delegates to the state
convention coming up later this spring.


there was a huge back up in the sewers over at the La Quinta Inn/Hotel
this past couple of weeks, seems it took 3 days to have PT Kelly and
the city to clean all the used needles and what was said to us
thousands of sexual items, that grossed out everyone there. Gives new
meaning to "check out time" doesn't it?


to more than one source, a City of Somerville Fire Department
"employee" (not firefighter) has been getting paid as a City employee
and at the same time has access to the city's fires, and is the paid
photographer for the Farm Team's paper while on duty. We are not
complaining, but we heard from more then one source that the person is
on the scene of all the fires first and they allow him to cross over
the lines to get a better picture.


Bye Birdie, the 2009 Somerville High School Musical which tells the
fictional story of a publicity stunt mounted by 1950's pop star Conrad
Birdie, will be running from Friday, February 6th through Sunday,
February 8th at Somerville High School (81 Highland Avenue). The entire
community is invited to enjoy an evening of local theatre with student
performers. Tickets can be purchased at the door and are $7.00 or $6.00
for senior citizens and children aged 12 and under. Friday and Saturday
shows start at 7:30 PM. Sunday matinée begins at 2:00.


is worried about cutbacks and layoffs, including our finest at the
Police Department, lots of talk about layoffs coming up and don't
understand why the two sub stations are opened in a city only 3.5 maybe
4 square miles large. If cutbacks come and hopefully before the layoffs
begin at the Police level they want other things cut before that
happens. The substations might be a good idea in normal times, but some
think that closing them now would help to save one policeman's job.


of layoffs, the big one is coming from Cambridge Health Alliance, and
no one should be surprised, we hear that over 350 layoffs in the next
few weeks and Somerville will be hit especially hard. Be interesting to
see how many layoffs in Somerville as opposed to Cambridge, we hope
Somerville will not be short changed again by them.


the way we have clarify our terminology on what a "Secular Progressive"
is – all we can say is that if you Google the term, you will read it
for yourself. To all those PDSers out there that feel victimized every
time someone says something against you, at least look up the term and
get it straight. Being a Secular Progressive has nothing to do with not
believing in God – and we agree that not all the PDSers are Secular


Long time resident and
great guy Jimmy Brennan of Bromfield Road hasn't been doing well lately
and he recently came home from the Lawrence Memorial Hospital and is
resting – we hope he's back on his feet soon and seeing that big smile
on his face.



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