SCAP, SPD to conduct compliance checks for alcohol sales

On August 22, 2011, in Latest News, by The Somerville Times

Somerville Cares About Prevention and Somerville Police Department will conduct compliance checks from September 2011 – February 2012 in Somerville

From September 2011 to February 2012, members of Somerville Cares About Prevention (SCAP) and the Somerville Police Department will conduct compliance checks at all licensed alcohol outlets to determine the number of licensed outlets illegally selling alcohol to individuals under the age of 21.  Part of a series of annual programs geared at enforcing consequences of alcohol and drug use, particularly among minors, compliance checks work to ensure that Somerville is a safe, friendly community for all residents.

“We know that alcohol is the number one drug-related issue among youth, killing more young people than all other illicit drugs combined,” said SCAP Director, Cory Mashburn.  “Research also shows that the earlier youth begin drinking, the more likely they are to suffer injuries, binge drink and drive drunk.  Preventing underage drinking is everyone’s responsibility, and more must be done to address this problem.”

Underage drinking costs Massachusetts approximately $1.4 billion a year while accounting for more than $560 million in alcohol sales, or approximately 15% of all alcohol sold in the Commonwealth. Activities such as compliance checks monitor and encourage establishments to make sure youth don’t have easy access to alcohol.

Somerville Cares About Prevention (SCAP) is a community-based coalition supported by the Somerville Office of Prevention (SOP) and the City of Somerville’s Health Department.  SCAP’s mission is to reduce substance abuse among the residents of Somerville, as well as the harms associated with such use.  To learn more about SCAP or to become involved contact Cory Mashburn, SOP Director at or 617-625-6600 extension 2570.


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