Cadets on obstacle course during the week.
On Friday, August 5, 2011 the Middlesex Sheriff’s Office proudly recognized the Arlington, Belmont, Medford and Somerville graduates of the 2011 Middlesex Sheriff’s Office Youth Public Safety Academy. The graduation was held at the Middlesex Training Academy at 793 Boston Road in Billerica, MA.
Sheriff Peter Koutoujian hosted a ceremony honoring more than 170 children from these communities. The cadets, ages 9 – 11, were given diplomas in recognition of their hard work and dedication to public safety.
Each summer the Middlesex Sheriff’s Office sponsors this free and fun week-long summer program. The Academy exposes our children to role models in Public Safety – namely their local Police, Fire, Emergency Medical Services and Sheriff’s personnel. Cadets learn basic first aid skills, fire safety, tour their local police and fire stations, participate in numerous demonstrations and are taught the importance of self-esteem and teamwork. Every week the program is tailored to the specific Middlesex community that is participating. Parents, cadets and invited guests enjoyed a family cookout after the graduation proceedings.
This year the Middlesex Sheriff’s Office is celebrating the 12th year of the Youth Public Safety Academy!
Local elected and public safety officials at the event were: from Arlington – Fire Chief Robert Jefferson, William Hayner from the School Committee; from Medford – Representative Paul Donato, Fire Chief Frank Giliberti, Police Sergeant Joseph Casey, City Councilor Paul Camuso; from Belmont -Fire Chief David Frizzell, Police Chief Richard McLaughlin.
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