The works of Rebecca Volynsky will be featured at Bloc 11 Café through September 9.
By Krysia Wazny
In its mission statement Bloc 11 Café states that it is “committed to serving high quality products while creating a dynamic, community-oriented atmosphere.” In fulfilling this goal, Bloc 11 has opened its doors to local groups, non-profits, and artists. This summer they have brought a new brand of art and recycling to Somerville through the work of Rebecca Volynsky.
Volynsky is a multi-media artist based out of Providence, RI, and currently studying at the School of the Museum of Fine Arts in Boston. Her layered work is neither scripted nor planned, but rather flows from her subconscious to paper, becoming a work of visual poetry on the page. She works “found imagery” into her pieces, using anything from old photographs to recycled news clippings to create a deeply symbolic message.
Her solo exhibition at Bloc 11 focuses on “growth, change, and her evolving personal history.” Each frame presents a separate story revealed through images and words. Frequently the title of the work brings it together, explaining or elaborating the page’s message. Stitching, sketching, and the superimposition of one image upon another evoke different moods and ideas in each piece.
Scattered throughout Bloc 11’s ample open seating area, these works of art appear at first glance to be nothing extraordinary. A local museum employee, Ayesha, commented that she hadn’t yet noticed the exhibit, because it “doesn’t look professionally mounted.” She commented further that displays of this kind are “good, but tough,” while people may stare at the walls during their meal they may also have no idea what they are experiencing. Another local patron said he liked the display and felt it was generally a good idea.
As locals enjoyed their coffee and sandwiches, they occasionally glanced up to look at the unique art surrounding them. Whether this exhibition is converting the people of Somerville into Volynksy enthusiasts or is simply a nice addition to a satisfying meal, it certainly brings a fresh artistic perspective into the community.
Anyone hoping for a closer look can find Volynsky’s work at 11 Bow Street from now until September 9.
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