The View From Prospect Hill

On April 15, 2009, in Uncategorized, by The News Staff

There have always been "haters" in this city – for as far back as we can
remember, and that's quite a long time for some of us here. Today it
seems even more frustrating than ever, because of the great things that
are happening in this city, despite these people that just don't quit.

the last 40-50 years, this city has made quite a transformation and
like other urban settings in and around Boston, we have had our share
of misfortunes. Today, the future, even with a current fiscal crisis,
looks better than it ever has.

Today we all take a more global
and long-term look at decisions that will affect our city 20 to 50
years from now, not just what is going to happen today, or tomorrow. It
takes vision, it takes commitment to the community, it takes a sense of
pride in the community.

Being selected as a finalist for All
America City again is a testament to the commitment we have all made –
from the Mayor on down to the average every day Joe and Jane resident –
to making Somerville a better place to live, work and raise a family.
If you can't make it to the fundraiser to help send a delegation from
Somerville to Tampa to compete – then take a few minutes out to call
City Hall, the Chamber of Commerce, our office, anywhere you want – and
try to donate a few dollars to help make this year a success.


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