The View From Prospect Hill

On April 22, 2009, in Uncategorized, by The News Staff

was a pleasant surprise to see the good turnout this past Monday
morning on Patriots' Day at Foss Park. There were plenty of things for
the kids to do, there were people dressed in colonial-era garb, plenty
of elected officials and lots of spectators. Even the Mayor, who is
typically preparing to run the Boston Marathon (but couldn't because of
a minor foot injury) on that day, was in attendance for the festivities.

were flown at both the corner of McGrath Highway and Broadway and at
the top of Winter Hill – on brand new flagpoles donated by the local
Kiwanis Club – with the help of students from the East Somerville
Community School and the Healey School. There were some of us there who
live in that immediate area who have been going to the annual
reenactment at Foss Park for over 40 years straight and have seen the
attendance by the public ebb and flow over the years.

So we
stood there, enjoying the morning and the festivities and it occurred
to us that the annoying politicians and their hangers-on (aka Pod
People) weren't there. In fact, neither were the "haters" – you know,
the ones who start their own little groups because they claim there's
too much "old school" shenanigans going on.

According to them,
there's not enough transparency in local government, there's too many
"back room deals" happening and there's too much one-sidedness in the

But they have their own "secret meetings" and they call
themselves journalists, having email interactions with elected
officials and then calling them "interviews." They are even now trying
to pass themselves off as historians because someone is stupid enough
to give them some space in a print medium. You have to love this stuff
– you can't even make it up, it's that comical.

So while this
city keeps on getting better, and stronger, and smarter, and more
community-orientated than it has been in 30 or more years, the "haters"
will still hate, and people will still look at them and wonder what
planet they are from. We encourage them to keep on keeping on as well –
it gives us some great material for our commentary and our cartoons –
and for that, we thank them.


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