The View From Prospect Hill – July 13

On July 13, 2011, in Latest News, by The Somerville Times

Surf’s up, kids! Let’s hit the beach, the woods, the art gallery – whatever gets you out there. Summer is here and it’s time to go places, see people, and enjoy life to the fullest.

Whether it be camping at its best while visiting our friends and neighbors to the north, or sliding down for a lazy sun-drenched weekend at the Cape, ‘Villens know how to make the most of what the season has to offer.

No, we don’t have to travel far to have a good time, either. There are plenty of top-notch recreational venues at our disposal within an easy drive or bike ride. The nearby woodsy reservation can be just satisfying as anything else found many miles away, and our coastal attractions are the envy of the world.

We are indeed blessed with the bountiful beauty of an environmental treasure trove, not to mention the great historical richness that saturates our region.

For the long-distance travelers, be careful out there. We want you back home safe and sound. And don’t forget to invite your far-flung friends and family members to come and see what keeps us loyally connected to our beloved home town while you’re at it. We’ll all be glad you did.


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