City of Somerville announced one confirmed case of H1N1 (Swine) Flu

On May 5, 2009, in Uncategorized, by The News Staff

Press Conference at 3:00pm today

approximately nine a.m. today, Somerville Health Director Paulette
Renault-Caragianes received confirmation from the Massachusetts
Department of Public Health that tests conducted at their Hinton State
Laboratory confirmed that an adult Somerville resident had received a
positive diagnosis of H1N1 influenza.

This is the first – and so far, the only – case of H1N1 flu in Somerville.

patient experienced no complications and did not require
hospitalization. She is already fully recovered and has passed through
what is expected to be her contagious period.

She wisely
isolated herself as soon as her symptoms appeared, and she reported her
symptoms to her primary care provider, who alerted state officials and
ordered appropriate screening tests.

None of her reported contacts have been indentified as either probable or confirmed for H1N1 influenza at this time.

Massachusetts Department of Public Health is taking the lead in a full
and continuing investigation of the case but, at this time, we are not
aware of any institutional exposures – at schools, workplaces or other
locations – that would warrant any concern or follow-up.

It is
standard operating procedure for local and state public health
officials to collaborate and share information in the case of
communicable disease.

Somerville residents should rest assured
that the City's public health staff, including our public health and
school nurses – and our partners in the Cambridge Health Alliance
service network – will remain vigilant in identifying and investigating
all cases of flu or flu-like symptoms.

The public should also be
of aware that the City of Somerville has been, and will be, involved in
continued preparedness efforts and contingency planning should a wider
outbreak occur.

Residents should also be confident that we will
share all official information as soon as we have it – and that the
latest information about influenza is always available on our website,, where you will also find links to updated information from the Massachusetts Department of Public Health and the CDC.


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