The View From Prospect Hill

On May 6, 2009, in Uncategorized, by The News Staff

try very hard here to separate the news/human interest stories from
commentary and of course, Newstalk. We have this space, the View from
Prospect Hill, to give our personal opinion on issues that affect us
just as much as they affect you – and as we are entitled to do – as
residents, voters, taxpayers, homeowners, business owners.

there comes a "tipping point" where the rational opinion in this space
is in dire need of a "Reality Bites" type of infusion. And we resist
that, for the most part.

The problem is, that there is this
undercurrent of craziness flowing through this city – being propagated
by a certain group, okay, just a few members of that certain group. You
would like to assume that they act a little crazy with at least the
best of intentions – for example – the Mystic View Task Force. Think
they're a little "off the reservation"? Well we used to, but then it
sunk in – they did have good intentions, and in the end, it all worked

It's hard for us to be able to stomach what's been
happening here in the 'ville recently by this small segment of this
little so-called "activist" group. Time goes by, and you want to
believe, Hell – we want to believe – that they have the best interests
of the community as a whole at heart, but they just disappoint every
time. It's a shame, because this very community over the past 40 to 50
years has grown in immeasurable ways as a result of organized activism.

even local history, has shown that a few can ruin the reputation of
many. This is true today in this tiny little group of people – we dare
not even label them with a moniker – fearing it might give them any
remote sense of being.

Can't figure out who we are referring to? Oh come on – well, alright – we will give you a couple of hints.

get elected to office with a song and dance, chanting things like
"transparency" and "open government for all" and then hold "secret
meetings" and only invite a few select people.

They call
themselves journalists – which is insulting to those people who work in
that declining industry – and they have the audacity to call an email
interaction between a "nut" and an elected official an "interview."

call for the end of name calling – but then in seemingly the very next
breath – call those people names in an effort to gain some kind of
warped respectability.

They call themselves followers of faith,
but then suggest to eliminate one of the most important holy days in
the Christian faith from the public school calendar.

They call
themselves historians and want to profess their intimate knowledge of
all things Somerville – but they have no clue about history, tradition,
respect – when some of their own "kind" call such an important holiday
in our country's history an "annoying holiday."

Still can't
figure it out who "they" are yet? Good – then you are untainted by the
lunacy dear reader. For the rest of us who have lived here our whole
lives, and will live here the rest of our lives, we will be here long
after the nuts are gone. Thank God.


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