Newstalk for June 3

On June 3, 2009, in Uncategorized, by The News Staff

Carr's recent article on taxes from so-called "reformers" was very
interesting actually – Howie, if not always funny, always has some
interesting comments. In a recent article he mentions that our PDSer
Senator has proposed a 51 cent hike in the gas tax. How many times over
the past 30 years have we all heard the term/phrase "reformer"? how
many candidates claim to be the "New Reformer"? Going all the way back
to Mayor S. Lester Ralph and his dirty administration, through today,
the one connection from so called "reformer" candidate Mayor Ralph and
our present day do nothing Senator Ms. Jehlen (who was a strong
supporter of his corrupt administration by the way) has to offer is
more taxes – the spend and tax "reformers." Recently she proposed in
the senate a bill to raise gas tax, but her and others that support it
what they would cut and they can't give you an answer – because these
so called reformers who want to tax us to death, might be so far left
that they lean towards Socialism. But she's a reformer, so remember
that next year, when she's up for re-election.


deadline for pulling papers for local office this year is Monday the
8th at 5p.m. and the deadline to turn them in is Wednesday the 10th at
5p.m. So far (as of Tuesday the 2nd), Alderwoman Gewirtz from Ward 6
has an opponent with Jim Campano of the "The Somerville Pundits" TV
show. Ward Four/Winter Hill School Committeeman, our own James Norton
has an opponent with a PDSer supported candidate Christine Rafal (oh
come on now, you know exactly what the PDSers endorsements will be –
Gewirtz in Ward 6 and Ms. Rafal in Ward 4 – how much you want to bet?)
Remember the PDSers are "reformers." Ms. Rafal, a PDSer herself, pulled
papers last time around but didn't turn them in, but if her buddy from
Ward 5 Mr. Neidergang has anything to say about it, she'll hand them in
this time. Should be interesting in Ward 4, since Christine is telling
everyone that she is taking the low road and going negative – again
that's the PDSers for you!


Another very
nice man passed away recently, our condolences go out to the family of
Joseph Silva. Joe was the electrical inspector for Lights & Lines
here in Somerville for many years; he came into contact with a lot of
people here. He was a gentleman and an all around just plain nice guy
who never had a bad thing to say about anyone. Recently Joe was an
active member of the Somerville Lion's – he will be missed all over the
city by a lot of people.


Big city cuts
with a lot of concern – according to sources, four Somerville police
officers will be laid off as well as four more vacant positions will
not be filled! Also, eight Somerville Fire Fighters and we hear at
least ten DPW workers are slated for layoffs. It's unfortunate for all
concerned and we feel for anyone that loses their job and hopefully it
won't be permanent.


The Sunsetters
audition to find new talent was held this past Monday night – our own
Jimmy Del Ponte held the talent search – which was up at the West
Somerville Neighborhood School Cafeteria. All talent contestants had to
be between 12 & 17 years and about 20 were chosen out of 40 very
talented young people. We're sure Jimmy selected a good group of
performing and wish them all the best, both the ones that were selected
and not selected.


Mayor Joseph A.
Curtatone and Recreation Superintendent Jim Halloran announced that the
88th annual All City Track Meet will be held on Friday, June 5th at
Dilboy Stadium, beginning at 6:00 p.m. The meet is the culmination of
ongoing elementary school sports competitions, including basketball,
flag football, indoor soccer, indoor volleyball, and a swim meet. The
school with the most points following the final track meet will take
home the "Mackey Trophy." The scoring system is based on the number of
students attending the program, practices, games, sportsmanship, and
win-loss records.


The Taste of Somerville
(a culinary tour and evening of fun to support SCM Community
Transportation) will be held on Tuesday, June 9th from 5:30 to 8:30
p.m. at the Somerville Holiday Inn (30 Washington Street). More than
twenty-five top restaurants and hundreds of supporters will be be
mixing it up and also joining in a silent auction, which will feature
items ranging from Red Sox tickets to a 50-inch plasma HD TV. The event
is coordinated by the Somerville Chamber of Commerce.


we just heard that Ms. Hickey (Ms. Frump to her old friends that got
stabbed in the back) from the Council on Aging, is holding a "Veterans
Dinner" on June 23rd at the Tab building and is charging a $30.00 per
person for a ticket – we also hear that its not on the Calendar of
Events for June for the council members. We're so glad she's gotten
over her dislike for Veterans Services Director Frank Senesi and is, we
assume, working so closely together to help raise some funds for
Veterans Services – at least that's what we hope is being done,
especially for $30.00 a plate to Honor our Veterans at a cafeteria in
the old Tab building!


Remember the
Sovereign Bank employee that made front page headlines last month for
pushing the envelope with allegedly making threats and exposing a bank
customer's personal information for a pair of U2 tickets? We hear that
the court found sufficient evidence to proceed further with an
arraignment on June 19 at 9 a.m.


to 10-year-old Haley Soares – who we heard will be one lucky student of
the month at the Winter Hill School for June. We wish her the best,
along with all the other students in the past year for Student of the
Month at the Winter Hill. By the way, most of us know her father and
mother and were not surprised – she's a smart student.


were going to give this to Ms. Olio of our paper – but we found this
hard to believe ourselves – talking to a couple of old timers from
Somerville, they say Foss Park, which had a swan/duck pond with a
fountain in the middle of it (some of us remember that) – was
temporarily renamed "Dever" park for our past Governor, then changed
then changed back to Foss Park at the dedication of the present day
park as you see it. Does anyone recall that it was called Dever Park
for a short time?


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