Stolen money on the front seat of the get-away car. |
Get-away car being looked over by police. ~Photos by William Tauro |
Police released a statement late Tuesday evening that three suspects
were captured shortly after a brazen bank robbery in Somerville. On
Tuesday, 6/30/09 at approx. 3:40 p.m. the East Cambridge Savings Bank
located at 285 Highland Avenue in Somerville was robbed by two males
wearing masks, gloves and displaying a handgun. One of the suspects
vaulted the teller counter while the other suspect held the customers
and bank employees at bay with the weapon. The suspects fled with an
undisclosed amount of cash in a black Lincoln Towncar driven by a third
suspect. That vehicle was a rented car. A dye pack was included with
the stolen money given to the suspects which went off prior to the
suspects entering their car. The money and dye pack were left near the
scene. Somerville Police quickly notified surrounding police agencies
of the bank robbery, including the registration number and description
of the get away vehicle that was provided by witnesses.
A short
time later, two Boston police detectives on detail in Charlestown
observed the suspect vehicle and stopped it. Two of the suspects were
placed into custody while the third suspect fled on foot. After a short
foot chase the third suspect was also arrested. Recovered in the
vehicle were the masks used in the robbery.
The suspects are
identified as a James Rigano, d.o.b. 7/13/66 of Malden, Eric Leonard,
d.o.b. 7/4/88 of Everett, and Terrence Dunnells, d.o.b: 7/21/79 of
Cambridge, New York. The suspects were transported to Somerville Police
station where they were booked on the charge of armed robbery while
masked and later interviewed. The gun and clothing used in the robbery
were recovered from a trash barrel in Cambridge by Somerville
Detectives and agents from the FBI Violent Crimes Task Force. Two of
the suspects have made incriminating statements in connection with
today's robbery and two other recent bank robberies. Additional charges
will be filed by the appropriate jurisdictions in those incidents. All
three suspects will be arraigned tomorrow in Somerville District Court.
Chief Anthony Holloway noted that this crime was brought to a
quick solution by the keen observations of witnesses who gave police
the plate number and description of the get away car and the prompt
notification of surrounding police agencies. The quick work by two
Boston Police officers on detail brought this crime spree to an abrupt
halt without anyone getting hurt. The investigation is continuing in
cooperation with the FBI Violent Crimes Task Force.
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