A graduating senior hugs family members after the Tufts Commencement ceremony on Sunday, May 22, 2011. (Alonso Nichols/Tufts University)
Tufts University’s Class of 2011 commencement ceremonies took place this past Sunday, where proud parents, educators, and students enjoyed the day thoroughly.
Charles Vest, president of the National Academy of Engineering and president emeritus of the Massachusetts Institute of Technology, received an honorary doctorate of science and delivered Tufts commencement address.

President Lawrence Bacow congratulates honorary degree recipient Charles Vest during phase I of Tufts University Commencement ceremony, on Sunday, May 22, 2011. (Kelly Benvenuto/Tufts University)
“Your challenges are greater because they are huge; they are complex; and they are global,” said Vest. “As the planet’s population moves toward 9 billion people, we face immense challenges if we are to have clean water, sustainable energy, a stable climate, a vibrant economy, and health and security for all peoples of the world.”
Vest also emphasized the need for a human touch while functioning in an increasingly complex technologically oriented future. “All the technologies and networks we can create will not solve our world problems if we do not establish a base of human and cultural understanding; ethical and moral underpinnings; and sensible rules of law for the 21st century.”
Other honorary degree recipients include Geoffrey Canada, Thomas Frieden, Jamaica Kincaid, Pamela Omidyar, Pierre Omidyar, and Robert Solow.

Tufts President Lawrence S. Bacow walks up the path to the stage to begin his last Commencement ceremony at Tufts University. (Alonso Nichols/Tufts University)
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