BOA considers adding roof gardens to save money

On July 22, 2009, in Uncategorized, by The News Staff

By Tom Nash

Board of Aldermen recently voted to examine the benefits of garden roof
program similar to an initiative recently begun in Chicago.

6 Alderman Rebekah Gewirtz proposed the order at the Board's July 9
meeting, saying a recent conference she had attended in Chicago had
inspired the idea of copying that city's use of roof tops as gardens.
The gardens save energy costs by reducing the "heat island effect"
which impacts densely populated areas.

"The benefit over time is
extraordinary in terms of impact on the environment and actual cost
savings," Gewirtz said, citing the West Somerville Neighborhood School
as a possible pilot location.

Alderman-at-Large Bill White also
suggested that the city could look into the use of an alternative
green-colored asphalt, which he said some communities to reduce the
heat retained by traditional black pavement — known as "heat sink."

color asphalt actually contributes to a reduction in the heat sink,"
White said. "It would help consumers save on their electric bills."

The order was sent to the Legislative Matters and Environment and Energy Committees.


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