The View From Prospect Hill for August 5

On August 5, 2009, in Uncategorized, by The News Staff

anyone to think that there won't be some kind of health care package
approved by Congress by the time the November elections roll around,
you would almost have to be living in a cave. It has nothing to do with
whether you are a Democrat or a Republican, it is going to happen for a
number of reasons that quite frankly don't involve us at a local level.

the terms of the health care reform, it will be the aftermath – the
devil in the details – so to speak, that will affect us here at home,
on Main Street, Anytown USA. Maybe President Obama wasn't upset that
the "Beer Summit" distracted the nation from his health care initiative
after all. This is just what he needed to tweak and make changes while
the nation cooled down about who drank what beer and talked about this
or that on the lawn at the White House – a nice, leisurely chat amongst
friends. And about 1,200 reporters with cameras, of course.

to sound like alarmists, but, have you spent any time going over the
details of the Obama Health Plan 2009? It comes with a lot of bells and
whistles at first, but promises to be a bit more scary as the years go
on – and as you and I get older.

The first thing we thought
about when we looked into the plan, and then read the pro and con sides
of the issue, was that there is no way to get past the "Logan's
Run"-esque nature of the "special panel of experts" that could,
theoretically, decide that even though you are in perfect shape at 75
years of age, you cannot have the hip replacement you desperately need
to remain mobile under your own power.

Say hello to your new,
government issued "electric mobility scooter" – brought to you by
Easy-a-Round, a subsidiary of Haliburton.

The good news is that
the extreme portions of the health plan will most likely be the ones
modified in order to draw back in the "Blue Dog" Democrats and win over
some moderate Republicans. If they can somehow figure out how to keep
the long term costs down, then it may be a win-win for everyone from
the White House all the way down to the last house on the left.


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