Good clean fun

On April 22, 2011, in Latest News, by The Somerville Times

By Joseph A. Curtatone

(The opinions and views expressed in the commentaries of The Somerville News belong solely to the authors of those commentaries and do not reflect the views or opinions of The Somerville News, its staff or publishers.)

After a particularly brutal winter, at last we’re starting to see some of the tell-tale signs of spring:  leaves budding on trees; birds building nests; residents of all ages out and about in the City, enjoying the Community Path and playgrounds; and the imminent arrival of the Citywide Spring Cleanup, followed by some of our most popular spring and summer programming.

Yes, folks, it’s that time of year again.  As everyone begins to come out of winter hibernation, clear our yards of the remnants of winter, and prepare our gardens for another spring, the City of Somerville is also preparing once again to clean up our neighborhoods, squares, and open spaces to ensure that our community is safe and beautiful for our residents during the warmer months.

On Saturday, April 30th (rain date Sunday, May 1st), all community members are invited, and encouraged, to join us from 10 a.m. – noon at locations in each ward (see the City website for a list of locations) for the cleanup, and then from noon – 2 p.m. at the Blessing of the Bay Boathouse on Shore Drive for the annual SomerGreen Festival and community BBQ to celebrate our hard work.

This event has become one of the favorites of the year, with more than 500 people turning out annually to assist in our cleanup efforts.  It is not only a chance to help beautify the City, but also serves as the gateway event for our other, popular events such as SomerStreets, the Fourth of July Fireworks, and Family Fun Day.  It’s an opportunity for our residents to come together to exhibit their civic pride, enjoy some community service, and meet neighbors – new and old.  It’s an opportunity to create and sustain a community that is a great place to live, work, play and raise a family.  (It’s also an opportunity to receive a free t-shirt and free lunch, don’t forget.)

Remember, a good community depends on good neighbors, and we’re fortunate to have residents who truly care about our City, its appearance, and its future.

It never ceases to amaze me how many people join us for the Cleanup, and the dynamic among us.  We have residents ranging in age from 1 – 80.  We have residents who have lived in Somerville their entire lives, as well as residents who have only recently moved here, and are looking for ways to become involved and meet their neighbors.  We have residents from all nationalities and backgrounds, speaking numerous languages.  And we all come together, and work together, for the betterment of our community.  It’s a wonderful way to celebrate our City, our diversity, and our pride in both of those aspects.  It’s one of the days each year that reminds me how lucky, and how proud I am to be the Mayor of such a great City, as well as a lifelong resident.

Beyond the Cleanup, we’re gearing up for some great spring and summer events:  the Memorial Day Parade (yes, it will be bigger and better than ever); monthly SomerStreets events, beginning with “Carnevale at SomerStreets” on East Broadway on June 5th; Fourth of July Fireworks Celebration; Family Fun Day; the Somerville Sunsetters; ArtBeat; PorchFest; and much more.

Now, I ask you, with a list like that, how can anyone say that Somerville isn’t interesting?  I’ll let you be the judges, and I’ll pose a challenge to our residents:  Help us prove that Somerville is one of the most interesting, happening and exciting cities in the northeast by joining us at the Cleanup and our other upcoming events.  Help us prove how interesting and excited our residents are, and how much we value our City and our neighbors.  Help us prove, once and for all, that Somerville Rocks!!


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