Full Circle/Next Wave capture championship

On April 8, 2011, in Latest News, by The Somerville Times

The 2011 Full Circle Next Wave GBBL Champions: Shawn Soares, Christopher David, Mateus Sathler, Edwin Tejada, Levi Faherty, Joel Gutierrez, Stanley Orantes, Brian Carrington, McKenna Minson, Christian Acosta, Devin Scanzillo, Martine Acosta, Head Coach/Sports Director Joel Blackmer, Assistant Dave Aronofsky.

For the first time ever, the Full Circle/Next Wave basketball team are champions and they have the trophy to prove it.

Playing in the Greater Boston Basketball League’s tournament, held March 14, 15, and 18 at the University of Massachusetts at Lowell, the Full Circle/Next Wave team won the East Division championship by a score of 30-18 over Farr Academy of Cambridge.
Led by All-Star Mateus Sathler’s 13 points and MVP Levi Faherty’s 11 points, FC/NW pulled away in the second half to secure the team’s first championship.
Applying their trademark pressure defense, the FC/NW boys showed a complete team effort in the victory. All-Star Stanley Orantes and Brian Carrington were key contributors on offense and defense as was Christian Acosta and Edwin Tejada. Their interior passing and hustle were keys to the victory.
FC/NW started the tournament with a win over Seem Collaborative of Wakefield, 49-28. Led by lead scorers Sathler and Acosta, Devin Scanzillo (6 points), Sportsmanship Award winner Joel Guitierrez, and Mckenna Minson supplied tight defense, rebounding, hustle to ensure the win and set up a match against Shore Collaborative of Chelsea.
In the second game of the tournament FC/NW again played tough pressure defense with big contributions from Joel Guitierrez, Shawn Soares, and Devin Scanzillo.
Sathler led all scorers with 11 points, while Acosta and Orantes both scored 6 to pace the offense. Levi Faherty was again the driving force while Tejada and Minson applied the pressure of defense and played smart basketball.
“While the three wins in a row and the total team effort were impressive to witness, the most impressive thing about this team is how they carried themselves during the week. They played three emotional games with poise and maturity, keeping their cool at all times.
“Before and after games they represented their school and city well, demonstrating positive behavior and positive attitudes. It was a great week for the team and both Full Circle and Next Wave as we get to celebrate a championship,” said coach Joel Blackmer.

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