The View From Prospect Hill for September 23

On September 23, 2009, in Uncategorized, by The News Staff

Watch the evening news, any night. The
"latest poll" will tell you that Attorney General Martha Coakley has the Senate
race in the bag. But wait, all bets are off if Joe Kennedy decides to win – if
that happens, the election is his hands down. How ridiculous. Do they think we
are really that stupid.

Okay, so we are a political city. Most of us,
whether old-timers or new-comers, have some kind of political experience in our
blood. So we know better. Or do we?

The natural inclination is to think
that since Mike Capuano is now in the race, it's a done deal. Well, that's
awesome in theory, but it won't happen merely because we all "like

Mike Capuano, albeit late the to table, will most likely win the
race to fill Teddy's shoes in the Senate. If and when he does, it will be all
because of him, not his name (he's not a Kennedy), not because he already holds
statewide office (he doesn't) and certainly not because all the unions are
running scared to support him (like they are running face first into Coakley's

Mike Capuano is a "what you see is what you get" kind of
politician. Sure, he might not be as polished as other, seasoned, veteran
Congressmen or Senators, but who cares? Ted Kennedy wasn't a saint, and he got
the job done, for his state and for the ideals he stood for.

Mike might
have been caught up in the Pelosi tidalwave for a while there in the Congress –
hey, it's not easy to be a standout kind of Representative when you are up
against 434 other screaming voices every day – but that's okay, Mike. You run
because you believe in what you stand for, you believe in the idea that you
don't have to be popular, as long as you stand for the right reasons, you know
what loyalty and constituent services mean. Those are the reasons why we like
you Mike. Why we liked you when you were Mayor. And why you will be a great
United States Senator.

Now get out there – and raise more money, and show
this state how real Somerville politician's campaign across this great
Commonwealth of ours. Win the seat, and make us proud.


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