On February 5, from 6 to 8 p.m., the Somerville Arts Council will be hosting a Volunteer Craft Night. A themed activity where people can design handmade cards which will be sent to the seniors at the Visiting Nurses Assoc. in Somerville. A wonderful way to meet other volunteers, have a few refreshments, and create art. Craft supplies will be available. While you are not required to make a card, we encourage people use their artistic prowess to make something wonderful for those in need. Since space is limited, please RSVP via the Eventbrite link https://tinyurl.com/bdfvmdpe. Location: MudFlat Pottery School, 81 Broadway, Somerville.
Celebrate Lunar New Year at the Central Library. This event will feature interactive reading, arts and crafts, games, a food tasting, and more.This event will be held on Saturday, February 8, at the Central Library (79 Highland Ave.) from 11 a.m. to 12:30 p.m.
Join WCVB Channel 5 News Reporter Danae Bucci kick off the 5th Annual Rolling Lunar New Year Celebration at Arts at the Armory, 191 Highland Avenue. A free community celebration for all ages, Sunday, February 23, 11:30 a.m. – 1:30 p.m., doors open at 11:20 a.m. By Korean American Citizens League of New England. Enjoy live performances, Korean food, games, drummers, lion dance and more.
Happy birthday this week to the following: Happy birthday to Cheryle Snow. We wish Cheryle the very best on her birthday. Happy birthday to Bernard Gibbons. We wish him the very best on his birthday. We wish all of our Facebook friends, such as Sarah Martino, Steven DeCarlo, Alan Carvalho, Carolyn Dacey Corbett, Amy Ferreira, Jill Koerber, Joan Marshall, and Laurie Herra-Bullerwell a very happy birthday. We hope everyone has a great day. To all the others we may have missed, we sincerely wish them the very best of birthdays.
Ms. G, the groundhog from the Commonwealth of Massachusetts, saw her shadow on February 2, which means six more weeks of winter will follow.
The Public Safety for All Task Force report is now live. The group is recommending that the city adopt a co-response model, implement body-worn cameras for law enforcement, consider utilizing civilians in SPD, and more. Read the full report or the executive summary at somervillema.gov/psfa.
Small Mart returns to The Crystal Ballroom in Davis Square, Sunday, February 9, with a special Valentine’s market. They will have 40+ local vendors with handmade goods, art, jewelry, vintage and more. Free entry, all ages, wheelchair accessible and a full bar. 55 Davis Sq., 11 a.m. – 4 p.m.
The Somerville Warming Center is looking for donations for their clients. To see what is needed visit their facebook page or their Amazon wish list under Somerville Warming Center.
All Somerville residents should be on the lookout for the 2025 annual City of Somerville census in their mailbox. The 2025 census form also includes an application to vote by mail in Somerville’s preliminary and city elections this year. High census participation provides an accurate population count, which helps the city plan municipal services, apply for grants, and adapt as the population changes. The Elections Department also uses the census to help keep voting rolls up to date.It’s easy to take part in the census. Just fill out the short form, be sure to sign and date the form, and then return it one of three ways:mail it back in the provided postage-paid return envelope, scan the form and email is to census@somervillema.gov, or drop it off in person at City Hall (93 Highland Ave.). Contact 311 (617-666-3311) with any questions.
Important tips for staying safe and warm in the current cold weather: Dress in layers and cover as much exposed skin as possible when outdoors. Minimize time outside, including for pets. Check in on family and neighbors. Follow all safety precautions if using space heaters. Do not use a stove or oven as a heat source. Check your smoke and carbon monoxide detectors and make sure they are working and have fresh batteries. Learn more about carbon monoxide safety: mass.gov/info-details/carbon-monoxide-co-safety.Prevent frozen water pipes: somervillema.gov/frozenpipes. For more, visit:somervillema.gov/coldweather.
Join a public Community Meeting regarding 231-249 Elm Street and 6-8 & 12 Grove Street (the Development project from the Burren to Dragon Pizza). Wednesday, February 12, at 6 p.m. Somerville Community Baptist Church, 31 College Ave. The property owner and developer will be engaging in a discussion regarding the project. This is the 5th conversation and meeting notes from the previous four meetings can be found here: https://allevents.in/somerville/community-meeting-re-231-249-elm-street-and-6-8-and-12-grove-street/200027806790629.
The Somerville Public Library is starting a Seed Library at all 3 locations. They are offering two “Seed Packing Parties” that they wanted to share: (1) Monday, February 10, 6-8 p.m. at the West Branch; and (2) Saturday, February 15, 2-4 p.m. at the Central Branch. Hang with your fellow community members and help repackage native, herb, and vegetables seeds into take-home size packets as part of this new initiative. https://www.facebook.com/share/1EHpC2k1zB/
Join the Somerville Museum for an unforgettable night of music with The Muss. The Muss is a vibrant Nepalese folk rock group that blends the raw energy of rock with the soulful essence of traditional Nepali folk music. With their electrifying tunes, heartfelt lyrics, and stirring performances, they aim to unite generations and celebrate Nepal’s rich cultural legacy. Somerville Jatra! The Ultimate Nepalese Folk Rock Experience with The Muss, Sunday, February 9, 4 – 6 p.m., Arts at the Armory, 191 Highland Avenue Somerville, Admission Free. RSVP https://www.somervillemuseum.org/.
The Boston Science Fiction Film Festival celebrates 50 years. The fest returns to Somerville’s Davis Square, 55 Davis Square, February 12–16 with local premieres, visiting filmmakers, and 24 hours of genre favorites. Visit https://www.bostonscifi.com/2025festival.
Abstract painter and Brickbottom Artists’ Building founding member Diane Novetsky has assembled a cohort of three inventive painters for a new exhibit of current abstraction at Brickbottom Gallery, opening February 9 and running through February 28. Brickbottom Artists Association, 1 Fitchburg St., Somerville, MA.
The Somerville High Trivia Team is competing on GBH’s High School Quiz Show this year. Congratulations Ella, Calla, Jack, Sam, Nate, Oliver, Coach (and SHS History Teacher) Theodore Blake and the rest of the SHS Team. Only the top 17 trivia teams in the state qualified for the annual tournament. Somerville’s first match will air on GBH and Youtube on February 22.
LEGO® Brick’s 67th Birthday and LEGO Discovery Center Boston is celebrating by launching a brand-new event called LEGO Creativity Academy through March 3. Event URL and tickets: https://www.legodiscoverycenter.com/boston/whats-inside/events/creativity-academy/.
Are you looking for a way to get involved? The City of Somerville needs board and commission members. Learn more and apply for current openings by visiting somervillema.gov/besomerville.
Calling all artists! East Somerville Main Streets is looking for a talented artist to create the official poster for Carnaval 2025. This is a fantastic opportunity to showcase your work, contribute to a vibrant community event, and gain exposure. Apply by February 10 by visiting their website www.eastsomervillemainstreets.org.
The Mayor’s Office of Strategic Planning and Community Development has released a draft version of the city’s Open Space and Recreation Plan (OSRP) and is inviting feedback until February 12. This document will guide city work on parks, sports fields, open space, conservation land, and recreational programming. Visit https://voice.somervillema.gov/open-space-and-recreation-plan-update to read the draft version of the plan, and be sure to submit feedback via email at amaurer@somervillema.gov, or by leaving comments under the “Questions & Comments” tab.
Enjoy this weekend’s events at the Somerville Community Growing Center, 22 Vinal Ave: Community Introduction to Nature Monitoring in the City, Saturday, February 8, 2 – 3:30 pm. The Earthwise Aware naturalist team introduces how to document and help the Growing Center’s plant and insect communities. All welcome to join-beginners welcome. Register on their website https://www.thegrowingcenter.org/ for limited spots and for background information and suggestions for downloading free data recording apps. DIY Milk Jug Greenhouses, Sunday, February 9, 1-2 p.m. February and March is the perfect time to get a head start on planting by doing some winter sowing. Growing Center volunteers will walk you through the process of making and planting your own mini greenhouse to take home. Seeds, Soil and empty jugs will be provided.Family Winter Play Date, Sunday, February 9, 12– 2 p.m. Enjoy the winter garden while playing and exploring. Winter fun activities will be available, suited for ages 2-10. Bring a mug for herbal tea.
SCES is teaming up with City Fresh Foods to offer a five-pack of frozen home delivered meals. This new meal delivery option is ideal for consumers who want the convenience of home delivered meals but are not able to be at home each weekday to receive deliveries. Meal recipients can choose which weekday they would like to receive the frozen meals, with up to five meals in each bulk delivery. Each meal comes with bread, milk, and a dessert. Current SCES clients who are interested in receiving meals should call their office at 617-628-2601 or contact their case manager for more information.
COA’s Valentine’s Day Luncheon, Thursday, February 13, starting at 11 a.m. at the George Dilboy Post located at 351 Summer Street. $10 per person. Join us for an afternoon of music and a special meal (chicken parmigiana, pasta and salad.) Reserve your spot for the event and lunch by calling Debby Higgins at 617-625-6600, ext. 2321.
With the winter cold over the coming days, here are some important tips for staying safe and warm: Dress in layers and cover as much exposed skin as possible when outdoors, minimize time outside, including for pets, check in on family and neighbors, follow all safety precautions if using space heaters. Do not use a stove or oven as a heat source. Check your smoke and carbon monoxide detectors and make sure they are working and have fresh batteries. Learn more about carbon monoxide safety: mass.gov/info-details/carbon-monoxide-co-safety. Prevent frozen water pipes: somervillema.gov/frozenpipes. For more, visit: somerville-ma.gov/coldweather.
Low-income households may be eligible to receive help with winter heating costs through the Fuel Assistance Program. This program is part of the Home Energy Assistance program (HEAP) and serves residents of Somerville and Cambridge. Participants receive assistance with their heating costs between November 1 and April 30. Learn more about the program, check if you qualify, and apply for assistance today at somerville-ma.gov/heatingassistance.
Somerville High School students are invited to bring their SHS ID to the Somerville YMCA on Fridays from 7 to 9 p.m. and Sundays from 2 to 4 p.m. for free. There are free movie nights. On Sundays, students will have access to the basketball and exercise areas (including the weight room). Visit their website to learn more. https://somervilleymca.org/news/somerville-teens-after-hours/. Somerville YMCA asks that students go to their website to register before visiting and this program is for ages 14 to 17 years.
City Alerts are a great way for those who live, work, or own a business in Somerville to receive important city information that affects your neighborhood. City Alerts provide information about emergencies (including snow emergencies), construction and road closures, water service interruptions, community news, and more. To sign up, visit somervillema.gov/alerts and click on the button for your preferred language. Step-by-step sign-up instructions are available at: somervillema.gov/alerts. Having trouble signing up? You can call 3-1-1 (617-666-3311) for assistance.
With the days growing shorter and temperatures dipping colder, the Somerville Homeless Coalition is in critical need of new or lightly used jackets for their clients currently living outside. If you have any adult sized coats hanging in your closet that you don’t wear, please consider dropping them off at the Somerville Homeless Coalition admin office located at 255 Elm Street, Suite 204, during the hours listed below. Drop Off Hours: Monday–Friday, 9 a.m. – 1 p.m., 2 – 5 p.m. Each coat donated provides warmth, dignity, and safety for our neighbors having to face the harsh New England winter conditions.
If you want to adopt-a-drain in Somerville, perform light maintenance as needed, and give it a creative name. Sign up for the Adopt-a-Drain program today by visiting Somerville.mysticdrains.org.
The Somerville Winter Farmers Market is back at the Arts at the Armory, 191 Highland Ave. on Saturdays, 9:30 a.m. – 1:30 p.m. from November 2 to April 12. The Center for the Arts at the Armory is proud to offer a weekly winter market with 71+ local food vendors with the best locally grown and regionally produced foods, including fresh produce, cheese, eggs, meats, fish, breads, tamales, pastries, chocolate, skincare products, and more. The market accepts SNAP/EBT and HIP benefits. They also offer a $15 SNAP match to customers each week. More info available on their website: https://www.somwintermarket.org/.
Is your teen looking to make some extra money? The city’s Snow Shoveling Program is hiring youth to assist shoveling seniors and homeowners with disabilities out after snowstorms this winter. Teens and homeowners are paired for the season. After each storm, the homeowner will contact their assigned youth to request shoveling services. Somerville teens ages 14 to 19 are welcome to apply. Looking for snow shoveling services? Apply online or contact Debby Higgins at dhiggins@somervillema.gov.
Snow emergency parking is on the even side of the street all winter, unless posted signage says differently. Sign up for alerts or update your information at somervillema.gov/alerts. You can call 311 if you need assistance. Flashing blue lights at major intersections indicate a snow emergency. Snow emergencies are announced on the city’s website, social media feeds, CityTV, and via information shared with local media. For more information on the city’s snow policies, visit somervillema.gov/snow.
Through the generosity of the American Rescue Plan Act (ARPA), and from the direction of Mayor Ballantyne, the Council on Aging can provide Durable Medical Equipment at no cost to Somerville residents. Residents with a documented need for medical equipment must be over the age of 60, or have a permanent disability, and must be otherwise unable to afford or access needed medical equipment. We currently have available: Commodes, Bath Benches, Rollator Walkers, Incontinence Supplies and Transport Wheelchairs (wheelchairs are intended for transport and are not self-propelling or self-breaking.) For additional information, or for an application, please contact Debby Higgins at 617-625-6600, ext. 2321.
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