Somerville releases Public Safety Task Force reports

On January 29, 2025, in Latest News, by The Somerville Times

Community invited to review and share their questions for task force members and city staff ahead of public discussion of report findings on Tuesday, February 4

Three critical task force reports addressing community safety, police oversight, and anti-violence strategies in Somerville are now available for public review. Mayor Katjana Ballantyne and the city’s Office of Racial and Social Justice (RSJ) invite the community to both share their questions in advance online and to join a public discussion on February 4. 

The reports are the culmination of more than three years of community-based work dating back to the Public Safety for All survey that launched in 2022. To develop community-informed decisions about how to design public safety systems in Somerville, Mayor Ballantyne called for the creation of the task forces in 2023. Members included community members, city employees, elected officials, and experts in public safety. Supported by RSJ, each group received extensive training and opportunities to meet with regional and national experts working in their focus areas.

“Ensuring the safety of every member of our community is our most serious responsibility, and we can best do so by understanding the needs, gaps, and perspectives of the very people we are seeking to serve. These reports are not just paper. They are the vital product of meaningful collaboration between residents, experts, and city leaders and an important step toward creating public safety systems that reflect our community’s values and needs,” said Mayor Katjana Ballantyne. “I’m grateful for the task forces’ thoughtful recommendations and look forward to engaging the community in discussing these findings.”

All three task force/working group reports are now available for public review online at Each details their findings and process and offers an executive summary of their recommendations.

The Anti-Violence Working Group report offers actionable strategies to enhance safety and community engagement. “Freedom means going to places without fear of violence,” said an Anti-Violence Working Group Task Force member, capturing the core aspiration that shaped the group’s community-driven solutions for addressing gun, gang, and traffic violence. 

The Civilian Oversight Task Force, in its report, emphasizes the need for trust and accountability in policing. “Public safety depends on trust. Misconduct, or even the perception of misconduct, erodes trust,” the report states. It proposes the creation of a Public Safety Oversight Commission to ensure transparency and fairness in local law enforcement practices.

The Public Safety for All Task Force report highlights the importance of systemic change. “Addressing implicit bias in police practices is crucial for building equity in public safety,” the report underscores, offering recommendations to promote fairness and procedural justice in the city’s public safety framework.

“This is a big moment for public safety in Somerville. With the help of so many of our neighbors and service providers from across the city, we now have tailored, community-specific recommendations that outline how Somerville can combat some of the biggest public safety concerns our community faces,” shared Amanda Nagim-Williams, Director of RSJ. “This was a collaborative effort by both community members and city staff to get to this point, and RSJ looks forward to supporting the next phase of this work.”

Join the Public Safety for All Report Release Event

Residents are encouraged to explore the reports and join task force members and City staff for an in-depth discussion of their findings and recommendations on Tuesday, February 4, at Somerville High School (81 Highland Ave), starting at 6:30 p.m. This event will provide an opportunity for the community to engage in meaningful dialogue and ask questions about these essential efforts.

As part of the event, constituents have the opportunity to submit questions in advance. RSJ welcomes questions and comments about the reports, the process, or the findings through February 3 at 12 p.m. The form is available online here. Submitted questions and comments will be considered for discussion live at the February 4 event.

— City of Somerville


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