Somerville Arts Council prepares for outdoor public art

On January 29, 2025, in Latest News, by The Somerville Times

The “Care to the People” mural at CHA.

By Jeffrey Shwom

The Times caught up with Iaritza Menjivar, Events Manager with Somerville Art Council (SAC), to discuss two upcoming street art and outdoor public art projects they are planning for spring and summer 2025.

After a call for artists in the Fall of 2024, the Temporary Public Art by Emerging Artists project is down to its finalists. The Temporary Public Art project is focused on newer artists, who have been practicing for less than 10 years, with special consideration for those who live in Somerville. This opportunity was funded with New England Foundation for the Arts (NEFA) Making it Public Program, which helps provide payment for artists through participating cities like Somerville. Currently, they are “working with 3 finalists (and) we will choose one finalist in February to execute a project for this Spring / Summer.”

The second project, which is in its early phase, is an “Open Call for Businesses: Transform Your Space with a Mural!” Examples include murals outside Highland Creole by Pascal Michel and “Care to the People,” the mural at Cambridge Health Alliance by artist Amanda Hill. SAC is “looking for grants to fund this project to partner up with businesses.” For businesses interested in this opportunity, the interest form can be completed at

The 2024 “Wake Up” mural project. — Photos courtesy of the Somerville Arts Council

Since 2018, SAC has invited at least 10 artists from around the world to paint murals as part of its ongoing “Street Art Project.” A recent example of a past public art initiative is the 2024 “Wake Up” mural that was created at 1 Osgood Street. “Wake Up, was directed by Andres Duarte (NXN) and guest artist Irma Caicedo (ERRE) in collaboration with Brenda, Ray, Darragh, and Cori, teenagers from the Mayor’s Summer Youth Jobs Program. Beside the mural creation itself, there was engagement with the immediate community for their feedback and input, visits to culture institutions for inspiration and technique, and a community event where the mural was formally displayed. The title declares “a call to the community at large from the younger generation to encourage us all to reduce our ecological footprint.”

Per its mission, the Somerville Arts Council “cultivate(s) and celebrate(s) the creative expressions of the Somerville community. Through innovative collaborations and quality programming we work to make the arts an integral part of life reflective of our diverse city.” Programming includes the annual Porchfest, SomerStreets: Strike Up the Bands, Illuminations Tour and Ignite Festival.

As her last remark, Iaritza reminded us there is “lots to come this year.” Visit or follow on instagram (@somervilleartscouncil).


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