
On October 7, 2009, in Uncategorized, by The News Staff

Sept. 9, 2009, a news story published on this Web site incorrectly
reported the outcome of a criminal case that day in Somerville District
Court involving Joseph A. Carreiro. A judge ordered Mr. Carreiro to
receive pretrial probation for having made threats to do bodily harm to
another person. The story mistakenly reported that the disposition was
also for Mr. Carreiro's alleged threats to use his position as a bank
employee to expose personal banking information. It was not. In
addition, the story reported the length of the probation to be six
months. In fact, it was four months. We regret these errors and we have
removed the story from our Web site.

In addition, the story
neglected to say that its author, William Tauro, a publisher of this
newspaper, was the object of Mr. Carreiro's alleged threats and was the
person who took out the criminal complaint against Mr. Carreiro that
led to the disposition. Because of Mr. Tauro's involvement in the case,
he should not have reported on it. We apologize for this oversight.


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