Jake Tringali is published in over 50 journals, and his poetry has appeared in various art installations. His first poetry book is Poetry for the Neon Apocalypse, which was nominated for an Elgin award. Host of The Outskirts Poetry Podcast. Co-founder of the Roslindale Film Society.
the kenophile
(fondness of voids or empty spaces)
they tell us that
atoms are about 99% empty space
and today
i just wish i could settle into the emptiness
live in the void of myself
shed off this heaviness
and let the small planets around me whiz
and spin and take care of the laundry
and eat soup and work late hours
scatter myself among this small universe
an emptying into emptiness
— Jake Tringali
To have your work considered for the Lyrical send it to:
Doug Holder, 25 School St.; Somerville, MA 02143
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