Atomic Comedy’s Indie Improv Night at the Armory

On November 27, 2024, in Latest News, by The Somerville Times

— Photos by Jeffrey Shwom

This past Thursday, a laughing audience took in Atomic Comedy’s Indie Improv Night at ROOTED Café in Somerville at the Armory. Three acts included players from Stop That Baby! (like Addy Gover, Emma Hobbs, Harry Pearce, and Drew Briggs) and the Atomic Comedy All-Stars (Amy Clare Parker). Sketches included a town in New Jersey with only coast land everywhere, three Elton Johns (one who was Melting John) and a raspy-voiced school janitor who mixed dangerous chemicals to give to adults and children. Hosted every Third Thursday of the month by Addy, who also organized a monthly LGBTQ+ Improv Comedy Community Meetup.
—  Jeffrey Shwom


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