Rotary Food Drive

On October 30, 2024, in Latest News, by The Somerville Times

On Saturday, October 26, the Somerville Rotary Club had its Annual Food Drive, With the continued cooperation of the Porter Square Star Market Somerville Rotary has been able to be visible at the store with our tables and signs accepting food, health and personal toiletries donations.

This allows the club to assist several nonprofits in giving a helping hand to so many needy individuals in the Somerville community. Shown below are several Rotary Officers, members as well as friends that volunteer their time. Rotary is once again so pleased with the huge amount of food supplies, gift cards and cash that was donated by caring store customers.

Somerville Rotary has also for the past two years asked for food supplies for animals, and much was donated. Rotary members are a committed group of people who want to make positive changes in our community and the world.

Our thanks to all that participated.

Gene Ferraro
Lindsay Allen
Somerville Rotary Club


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