Statement on Election Results from Kathleen Hornby’s Campaign

Though the outcome of today’s election for Somerville State Representative (27th Middlesex District) was disappointing, first-time candidate Kathleen Hornby made an impressive showing, becoming an influential voice in the conversation about what progressive democratic leadership should look like. “I got into this race because I believe Somerville deserves effective leadership at the State House,” she said. She focused her campaign on bringing state funding to the district, being radically transparent with voters, and using all the tools of government to drive policies that improve residents’ lives. (It clearly resonated with her supporters; she handily out-raised her opponent.) 

In Massachusetts, 99% of incumbents win re-election. Incumbency bias is strong, and Rep. Uyterhoeven benefitted from all the privileges that come with being an establishment candidate. This race was one of only a handful of competitive ones in the state, and while Hornby knew it would be an uphill battle, she said, “I’m incredibly proud of the campaign we ran, and I look forward to continuing to serve my community.”

To learn more about Hornby, visit


1 Response » to “Despite loss at the polls, first-time candidate Kathleen Hornby makes waves in Somerville State Rep race”

  1. Frankly says:

    The next time you look around Somerville and wonder why things aren’t better – why progress on so-called community goals always seems out of reach, why your taxes keep going up but services get worse, why school enrollment continues to decline while the population of people here for a year or two continues to grow, why other towns get new recreation facilities while we get stiffed in each state budget, why you are stuck waiting for the train in an ugly T station, why your taxes are up and the next state project is over budget and fails to deliver …. remember this election. This community insists on electing people based on their identity and ideology instead of their capabilities. Hey Somerville, you get what you vote for.

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