Our View of the Times – July 31

On July 31, 2024, in Latest News, by The Somerville Times

The Massachusetts Department of Public Health (DPH) has announced that Eastern equine encephalitis (EEE) virus has been detected in mosquitoes in Massachusetts for the first time this year.

While no human or animal cases of West Nile Virus (WNV) or Eastern equine encephalitis (EEE) have been reported, they are strongly encouraging community members to take steps to protect themselves from mosquitoes and mosquito-borne illnesses. Among their recommendations:

  • Avoid mosquito bites.
  • Apply insect repellent when you go outdoors.
  • Clothing can help reduce mosquito bites.
  • Be aware of peak mosquito hours.
  • Mosquito-proof your home.
  • Drain standing water.
  • Install or repair screens.
  • Protect your animals.
  • Animal owners should reduce potential mosquito breeding sites by eliminating standing water from containers such as buckets, tires, and wading pools – especially after heavy rains.
  • Owners should also speak with their veterinarian about mosquito repellents approved for animal use and vaccinations to prevent WNV and EEE.
  • If an animal is suspected of having WNV or EEE, owners are required to report to the Department of Agricultural Resources, Division of Animal Health by calling 617-626-1795, and to the Department of Public Health by calling 617-983-6800.

Play it safe and follow the DPH recommendations to stay safer and get through the summer without incident. For tips and information, visit: mass.gov/dph/mosquito


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