Somerville Police Crime Log July 2 – 8

On July 16, 2024, in Latest News, by The Somerville Times
24039741: On 7/5/24 at approximately 12:02 a.m., Somerville Police responded to Perkins St. for report of a fight. Upon arrival, officers spoke with two victims who stated they were outside and observed their friend in altercation with a male party. They went over to see what was going on and the male suspect pulled out a machete and began waving it at all of them. Officers identified the male suspect.

Residential Breaking & Entering
24039262: On 7/2/24 at approximately 3:51 p.m., Somerville Police responded to a residence on Adrian St. for report of a past breaking and entering. Upon arrival, officers spoke with the victim who stated he went out and when he returned, noticed his camera equipment was missing.
Residential Breaking & Entering
24040572: On 7/8/24 at approximately 10:15 p.m., Somerville Police responded to a residence on Park Ave. for a check condition. Upon arrival, officers spoke with the victim who stated a male party who lives nearby entered his house. Nothing was reported missing. Officers identified the male suspect.
24040487: On 7/8/24 at approximately 4:08 p.m., Somerville Police responded to the West Branch Library for report of a dispute. Upon arrival, officers spoke with the staff who stated they wanted a female party removed after she assaulted another individual inside. Officers identified the female suspect.
Other Crimes:
• 1 Package theft
• 3 Bike thefts
• 1 MV vandalism
• 1 vandalism
• 1 Car break
• 1 MV theft

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