Help reduce rodent activity this summer

On June 28, 2024, in Latest News, by The Somerville Times

It’s officially summertime in the ‘Ville. As you plan your next barbecue, picnic, or pool day, let’s work together to keep our community rat-resistant and maintain a clean and safe environment for everyone:

Remove food sources

Keep trash and recycling carts closed and tightly sealed.

Compost properly: No meat, dairy, grease, or strong-smelling items.

Do not feed wildlife; remove bird feed and garden waste.

Pick up after your dog.

Remove water sources

Remove sources of standing water: dog bowls, birdbaths, or plant saucers.

Inspect and repair any leaks from faucets, hoses, rain catchers, or AC units.

Clear away containers that gather rainwater: buckets, toys, or other items.

Remove access to shelter

Clear low-lying vegetation and trim all plants away from your home or other structures.

Inspect the outside of your home for potential rodent entry points. Rats can fit through holes as small as a half-inch wide. That’s a little smaller than a dime.

Fill entry points with steel wool, rodent-proof spray foam, steel mesh, or hardware cloth.

For all tips, visit To report trash overflow and rodent issues/sightings, please call 311 (617-666-3311).

— City of Somerville


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