Parkour Generations Rendezvous

On June 20, 2024, in Latest News, by The Somerville Times

Parkour Generations Americas is hosting the 2024 American Rendezvous (ARDV) event on Friday, June 21 to Sunday, June 23, an annual gathering and one of the most influential parkour events in North America. Several portions of the event will be hosted in Somerville. This is a great event to work with coaches and participants from across the globe for a weekend of shared experiences and great training. More information on the event can be found at

Some things participants can expect:

  • Meet and greet session to kick off the event on Friday
  • Two and a half days (16+ hours) of coaching from some of the world’s most experienced parkour instructors from around the world.
  • 10-12 modules of workshops covering a range of parkour-related topics including modules about strength and conditioning, recovery and recuperation, nutrition, mental training, and the spiritual/philosophical side of training.
  • Discounted food from local restaurants and vendors
  • A “kids-only” setup and schedule for ages 8-13 years.

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