Lyrical Somerville – June 19

On June 19, 2024, in Latest News, by The Somerville Times


Gloria Mindock is editor of Červená Barva Press, author of six poetry collections and three chapbooks. Her poems have been published and translated into eleven languages. Her recent book, Grief Touched the Sky at Night (Glass Lyre Press, 2023), won the International Impact Award, the Speak-up Talk Radio International Firebird Award, the Book Fest Award, the Independent Press Award and numerous awards from the Outstanding Creator Awards. Publications include: Ibbetson, Gargoyle, The James Dickey Review, Growth: Journal of Literature, Culture, & Art (Macedonia), Constellations, Lily Poetry Review, and KGB Lit. Gloria was the Poet Laureate in Somerville, MA in 2017 and 2018.

Gloria Mindock


I always liked getting lost in cornfields.
You never could find me.
The stalks bothered my skin so stayed
hidden only for a little while.

Miles and miles of corn, sticking up
from flatness, reaching for the sky.
You could never understand my love for this.

So many bad storms.
Lightning scaring the horses.
They break loose and run
in the field.
Appreciating freedom like me
as we swallow the sky.

— Gloria Mindock

First published in Veritas Review, Harvard


To have your work considered for the Lyrical send it to:
Doug Holder, 25 School St.; Somerville, MA 02143



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