East Somerville Main Streets awarded $60,000 Cummings Grant

On June 6, 2024, in Latest News, by The Somerville Times

East Somerville Main Streets is one of 150 local nonprofits that will share in $30 million through Cummings Foundation’s major annual grants program. This Somerville-based organization was selected from a total of 715 applicants during a competitive review process. They will receive $60,000 over three years.

East Somerville Main Streets (ESMS) builds investment, connection, and pride in Somerville’s most diverse neighborhood. ESMS strengthens the East Broadway Business District by providing customized technical assistance to immigrant small business owners. The nonprofit also celebrates the neighborhood’s unique cultural heritage and brings neighbors together through celebrations like Carnaval and Foodie Crawl.

“This grant makes a huge difference for our community and the small business owners we serve,” said Executive Director Lindsay Allen, “together we will fight displacement, grow businesses, and enrich the character of our neighborhood. A three-year commitment from the Cummings Foundation means that we can honor our community’s history, celebrate our cultural fabric, and prepare our residents and small businesses for the future.”

East Somerville Main Streets will use this support to sustain the work of our staff as they grow our partnerships with local businesses and design community-building events. This support comes at a critical time for a changing neighborhood.


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