Summer of ‘24

On June 6, 2024, in Latest News, by The Somerville Times

Life in the Ville by Jimmy Del Ponte

Now that Memorial Day is in the rear window, as the unofficial the start of summer I wanted to make this summer memorable. It will include a couple of nights at old Orchard Beach in Maine for sure. Everything else is up in the air which is not bad. Especially since I’m retired I don’t have to get up and go to work thankfully.

I asked for readers to share their plans for the summer. Each quote is a new person’s comments.

“lol … a summer free of medical procedures!!!! YAAAAAY!!!!! Maybe me and my dog will go camping in our teardrop trailer.”

“Just attended a beautiful wedding at Searles Castle last week. Planning an August trip up as well as a visit to Kelly’s Revere Beach! Also hoping the hubby takes me to the ocean … and lets me play in the water for more than five minutes! Ha-ha!”

“I’m going to the Green River Festival in Greenfield MA. I will be camping and watching the bands at the Franklin Fairgrounds.”

“Family visits in August – my son and his fiancé from France, my other son and wife from CA. Hoping to all go sailing together!”

The best part of this time of year used to be simply getting out of school for the summer. In the old days we would always have a string interest in projects such as building go carts and riding our bikes.

We had a trailer for a few years until my sons’ music took up their weekends. It was one of my favorite times.

I worked on the Dodgem cars at Revere Beach for two summers and that was a blast.

We spent a lot of summer weekends at Old Orchard Beach which still has many of the old trine attractions, games and amusement rides as Revere Beach had. Old Orchard Beach and York Beach are popular places for Somerville people. You may know someone up there.

How will this summer be remembered? Hopefully we all have good health and happiness.


1 Response » to “Summer of ‘24”

  1. Mike Bonanno says:

    I worked Revere Beach at the Dodgem Cars back in the day. I may make an appearance on Old Orchard Beach myself this summer.

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