It began as a way to memorialize the military casualties of the Civil War, and was originally termed Decoration Day. Decorating the graves of the countless multitudes of fallen soldiers helped to console the grieving survivors of the debacle while uniting the once divided nation in a worthwhile common cause.
For many these days, Memorial Day represents the beginning of the summery high season. Kids soon enjoy their vacations from school. Families and individuals go traveling, camping, surfing, and whatever else represents fun in the sun in the months to come.
This coming weekend, we will take a little more time to pay homage to those who made the supreme sacrifice for their country. Somerville Veterans Services has organized the city’s Memorial Day Parade on Sunday, May 26, taking off from the Davis Square rotary at 11:00 a.m. The Memorial Day Ceremony takes place on Monday, May 27, at 10:00 a.m. at Somerville Veterans Cemetery. Go to
https://www.somervillema.gov/memorialday for all the details.
Our heroes deserve recognition and thanks for the service they have given, and you may come away from the experience feeling a bit more enlightened and enriched than before.
Most of all, give some thought to what the brave men and women who laid down their lives mean to all of us today. How the freedom and quality of life we enjoy in America would not be possible without those selfless acts of courage and devotion.
Everyone loves a parade, but this one will undoubtedly include a bit more love than usual.
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