Expectant mothers in Cambridge, Somerville, and Medford are invited to Riverside Early Head Start’s free community baby shower on Wednesday, May 29.
Riverside’s Early Head Start (EHS) program prepares children to successfully enter preschool and helps families learn important parenting skills. To introduce families to the program, they are holding a free community baby shower on Wednesday, May 29, at 474 Broadway, Somerville, from 4:00 to 6:00 p.m.
Pregnant women and parents with infants up to three months old are invited to this unique event where they can form connections with other parents and community service agencies. Attendees will receive important resources, enjoy snacks, develop new parenting skills, and celebrate this transformative time in their lives.
Everyone at the baby shower will leave with a pregnancy-friendly nutritional goodie bag and other surprises. Call 781-468-6010 or text “SHOWER” to register.
The Early Head Start program promotes healthy child development by assisting families before and after a child is born. Services provided by Riverside Early Head Start include:
- Weekly home visits focused on child development and wellness
- Parent-child playgroups and socialization activities
- Health, safety, and nutrition education
- Pre-natal information and support
- Parent workshops and training
- Community events, including annual baby showers.
Early Head Start is a free home-visiting program for income-eligible families in Cambridge, Somerville, and Medford. Visit their website to learn more: https://www.riversidecc.org/child-family-services/early-childhood-services/early-head-start/.
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