The City of Somerville’s annual Hydrant Flushing Program is scheduled to begin on Thursday, May 16 and conclude in late October. This annual program flushes pipes at high velocities to clean water mains and maintain the highest possible water quality.

City crews will be flushing the hydrants on the following streets:

  • Boston Ave (Broadway to Morrison Ave.)
  • Broadway (Willow Ave. to Cedar St.)
  • Cedar St (Broadway to Highland Ave.)
  • Cherry St (Highland Ave. to Dead End)
  • Hancock St (Lexington St. to Highland Ave.)
  • Henry Ave.
  • Highland Ave. (Willow Ave to Cedar St.)
  • Highland Rd.
  • Josephine Ave.
  • Kidder Ave.(Willow Ave. to Cedar St.)
  • Lesley Ave.
  • Lexington Ave.
  • Morrison Ave. (Willow Ave. to Cedar St.)
  • Pearson Ave.
  • Prichard Ave.
  • Rodgers Ave.
  • Spencer Ave.
  • Willow Ave. (Broadway to Highland Ave)

Flushing will be done between 6:00 p.m. and midnight to minimize disruptions to water service. 

In most cases, residents will not notice any changes to their water service. However, some homes may experience a temporary, slight drop in water pressure and/or discolored water. In these cases, though the water may be discolored, it is safe to drink. Until the water runs clear, it is advisable to avoid washing laundry, especially white fabrics. If any rust stains appear on wet laundry, it should not be dried, and residents can call 311 (or 617-666-3311 from cell phones or outside the city) for a free bottle of rust remover.

Residents will be notified via signage when their neighborhood will be affected by the Flushing Program. For more information, please contact the Water Department by email at, or call 617-625-6600 ext. 5850.


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