Residents, community members encouraged to review interview and submit feedback to help choose Somerville’s next Chief of Police

Somerville community members are encouraged to provide feedback on Police Chief finalists. Search Committee interviews with finalists under consideration to become the next Somerville Chief of Police were recently recorded for public review. The interviews are now available online for viewing and comment. 

“Community input is a vital part of this process, and community members are encouraged to share their thoughts on the applicants,” said Mayor Katjana Ballantyne. “Somerville is seeking a Police Chief with exceptional skills and a deep commitment to our Public Safety for All goals who will best support our city. Incorporating public feedback into the hiring process will help inform this important decision.”

After watching the interviews, community members can provide input via a community feedback form. Feedback will be accepted through Thursday, May 16, at 5:00 p.m. 

The interviews for each finalist can be viewed here:

Mayor Ballantyne will review the submitted community feedback to inform her interviews with the finalists and make a final decision. 

Background on Somerville’s Police Chief Search Process

Somerville Chief of Police David Fallon retired from the Somerville Police force in December 2020 after 21 years of service. Chief Charles Femino accepted the role of Acting Chief at that time taking on pandemic public safety emergency response duties as well as the ongoing work of the department. 

Somerville established a Police Chief Search Committee, consisting of constituents, subject matter experts, local elected officials, and city staff, to lead the community driven search. In February 2023, the city selected GovHR to lead the nationwide search to identify candidates with the requisite experience and principles to lead SPD. The firm has over 30 years of experience recruiting for leadership positions in the public-sector and shares Somerville’s commitment to equity, diversity, and accessibility. GovHR has successfully recruited for almost 80 Chief of Police roles in 14 states.  

To learn more about the City of Somerville’s Police Chief search, please visit


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