— Photos by Denise Provost
In past years, SOS has provided the public with a fashion show titled Beyond the Pattern to kick off open studios weekend. This show made it possible for textile artists to be included in open studios in a way that was more conducive to their art form than a studio opening or a gallery. This year, the SOS fashion show was held at the Crystal Ballroom in Davis Square on Thursday, May 2. The event was free for the public to view original textile art by Somerville artist such as Consuelo Perez, DX2, Eleanor Ramsay, Ella G., and Jennifer Koerber, Grace DuVal, Elsa Ramsay, Layla Gillick, Jessamy Shay, Jim Baab, Lexie Hofer Griffith, Martha Friend, Megan Kilcoyne, Stephanie Shields, Lenni Armstrong.
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