Our poet states: “Hi, my name is Olivia Steele. I am a Criminal Justice major at Endicott College. I enjoy writing in many literary genres, such as poetry and short stories.”
Butterfly Effect

Olivia Steele
She wishes she could hug her younger self,
And tell her it will be okay in the end.
She wishes she could see the world didn’t end when she was 14.
It didn’t end when she was 16.
And it still hasn’t ended at 18.
She wishes she could hold her hand
Through the things that were the hardest.
Where she was the only one there for herself.
She wishes she could tell her it’ll get better,
Because she didn’t think so back then.
She wishes she could tell her that asking for help is okay.
You can’t deal with everything on your own.
She wishes she could hug her younger self,
Because that’s all she needed.
— Olivia Steele
To have your work considered for the Lyrical send it to:
Doug Holder, 25 School St.; Somerville, MA 02143
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