Remaining events: Thursday, April 25, 2024: Miyawaki Forest Tour and Saturday, April 27, 2024: Civic Day
Mayor Katjana Ballantyne is moving forward a wave of new climate action policies and programs as announced as part of the City’s 2024 SustainaVille Week. The city’s new goals and policies to help were announced on Wednesday, April 24, as part of a community celebration for the updated community climate action plan.
“Tonight is about the future. Our future,” said Mayor Ballantyne. “Through bold, strategic, inclusive action, Somerville will take on global issues like climate change at the local level, while keeping local interests the priority. My administration is committed to delivering justice, equity, and compassion every day to strengthen our diverse and thriving community. We can, and will, make Somerville a national model for climate resilience.”
Among the new initiatives now in the City’s updated Climate Forward plan, the city will:
Create Somerville’s first-ever internal climate task forces, designed to streamline decision making for faster, thoughtful, bolder action.
Enact the Vehicle Purchase Policy, the city’s first official policy to prioritize acquiring zero emissions vehicles for municipal and school operations.
Double the voluntary renewable energy purchased through the Community Choice Electricity, beginning December 2024 through January 2028. Somerville’s default rate will be 100% renewable energy by 2030.
Reduce the City’s waste by at least 90% by 2050.
Plan for all new schools built in Somerville to operate as net-zero emissions buildings.
Launch a public information campaign to promote the longevity and efficacy of electric vehicle charging stations.
This will include a new requirement for drivers to pay to use public chargers to promote accountability.
Later this year, the Ballantyne Administration will send three items Somerville’s City Council to formally adopt:
The updated 2024 Climate Forward plan.
The first Rental Registry and Energy Disclosure Ordinance.
An updated Commission on Energy Use and Climate Change Ordinance, featuring an expanded commission, including the first youth representative.
Learn More About Climate Forward
Climate Forward is a community-driven plan, informed by engaged community members and municipal staff. More than 700 community members and groups contributed their ideas, concerns, and hopes to craft a plan for Somerville. This level of input was integral to creating a plan that directly responds to community needs and highlights residents’ voices.
At Imagining Climate Forward 2050, attendees were asked to imagine Somerville in 2050, where we have achieved our carbon net-negative goal, doing our part and more to respond to climate change. Attendees were inspired by interactive art that explored Somerville’s shared vision for the future.
The vision for a climate forward Somerville is an equitable, carbon-net negative, resilient, and thriving community. The complete plan can be accessed at www.somervillema.gov/climateforward.
Print copies are also available for pick up with advance notice.
For questions, or to request a print copy, please email ose@somervillema.gov.
Join SustainaVille Week
Join Mayor Katjana Ballantyne and the City of Somerville Office of Sustainability and Environment for the remaining events in a series of free and family friendly events and interactive activities to celebrate SustainaVille Week, April 20-27, an annual celebration of climate action in Somerville during the week of Earth Day. See the full schedule of events online here: somervillema.gov/sustainavilleweek.
Check out the remaining events for SustainaVille Week:
Miyawaki Forest Tour, Thursday, April 25, 5:30-6:30 p.m., Behind Somerville High School (81 Highland Ave.)Come explore the Miyawaki forest seedlings and learn about the city’s urban tree canopy.
Civic Day, Saturday, April 27, 12-4 p.m., City Hall Concourse (93 Highland Ave.)Learn about local government, programs, services, and ways to get involved!
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