The lost tapes

On April 25, 2024, in Latest News, by The Somerville Times

Life in the Ville by Jimmy Del Ponte

Four Somerville kids start a band in the early 70’s. The Tools (formerly Shadowfax) was the name of my original band from the 70’s. In 1978 we recorded a 45 with two songs, Spark ’em Up and Love My Money.

We had 250 pressed and there are still a lot of them around. I have two and the record was in the jukeboxes of Harold’s Luncheonette and The Embassy Lounge.

Our guitarist, Richard Collins, is moving to Seattle so we got together last Saturday to reminisce and say goodbye and good luck.

For three hours we talked and laughed.

When we recorded the record, we also recorded two new Tools songs. All these years no one had copies of the two, Guardian Angel and Tool In Your Hand. I located the former owner of the Baker Street Studios, Roger Baker. He told me when he sold the business all the master tapes went too.

Would we ever find these missing recordings? Well, you can imagine the shock I got when Richard came downstairs with a master tape. Hopefully it has the new songs on it. I don’t know if Richy had recently found it while packing, or that he had it all the time and didn’t know it.

The Tools are me on keyboards, Richard Collins on guitar, Charlie Vigneau on bass and Teddy Bates on drums.

Right now, I’m looking for a studio that can play the tape and it may be the one that my sons’ band Mallcops use. It will be exciting to hear what’s on the tape if anything. I’m keeping my fingers crossed that the over 40-year-old tape is still in working order.

We are excited at what may be on the tape.

Let’s hope it wasn’t de magnetized or erased or something.

The tape may have been mixed in with our possessions from when we all lived together in the early 70’s.

If it’s the tape we think it is, the studio master, there should be at least five songs on it. I’m still looking for a studio that can play the vintage tape. Imagine if there’s a hit song on the tape. I’ll have to come out of retirement and do gigs.

I’m very excited to hear what’s on there.

I’ll keep you all informed about the tape. In the meantime, good luck In Seattle, Richard. We’ll let you know if we have two new Tools songs. Taylor Swift, watch out.


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