We make dreams come true. So can you. 

Members of our local, regional, and global communities come to us with dreams of what they want to bring alive in our historic spaces, and we do our very best to work with each and every one to realize their live event, attended by their biggest fans who are also enriched in the process. We do this in an ever-growing number of ways–through our own programs like the Spotlight Series, the Performance Opportunity Program (POP), the Feet Keep the Beat Festival, Somerville Winter Farmers Market, and ROOTED Café Exhibitions, and through the 750+ events we host in our spaces each year using a sliding scale model that provides equity and inclusivity so that all dreams can come true.

We have also been working intently on some exciting things that we will be unveiling to our community in January. We’ll be debuting a new website, new Spotlight Series shows, and a full reveal on the upgrades we’re making in the Performance Hall. If you attended Cirque of the Dead in October, you experienced the awe of four aerial artists performing in the air at the same time, made possible by our rigging improvements. If you attend a concert in the Performance Hall this month, you’ll experience our new sound system with a speaker line array hung from above. This is the stuff that dreams are made of, and we need you, our beloved community, to help us realize them. 

We are asking you to give as generously as you can this year-end. So far 32 generous donors have contributed $8,000 toward our goal to raise $25,000 by December 31st. Thank you for making your gift today, and also sharing this fundraiser information with people in your network. Your support is going to allow us to continue and build upon the vibrant and impactful work we have done in 2023. 

Donations can be made here.

— Arts at the Amory Board of Directors


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