As has become tradition in recent years, members of the Chi Eta Zeta chapter of the Zeta Phi Beta Sorority volunteered to deliver holiday meals on Thanksgiving.
By Nathan Lamb
More than 90 volunteers converged at Somerville-Cambridge Elder Services (SCES) on Thanksgiving morning to help deliver 375 holiday meals.
SCES delivers a Thanksgiving meal – with turkey, mashed potatoes, vegetables, and pumpkin pie–to local older adults who request one each year.
Thanksgiving is a day off for SCES Meals on Wheels drivers, thanks to the volunteers. The holiday deliveries are the single largest volunteer event at SCES each year, said SCES Volunteer Coordinator Lindsey Smilack.
“This turnout from volunteers is heartwarming and gratifying,” said Smilack. “I hope that the message shines through to our recipients that their neighbors and community appreciate and value them.”
“I think it also speaks to the increasing public awareness of the challenges of aging and the importance of social interaction,” she added. “To everyone who helped make this day special – thank you!”
To learn more about volunteer opportunities at Somerville-Cambridge Elder Services, call 617-628-2601, x3214 or e-mail to vol@eldercare.org.
Somerville-Cambridge Elder Services is a non-profit agency that supports the independence and well-being of older adults and adults with disabilities in Somerville and Cambridge. For free advice and guidance on questions of aging, caregiving or disability, contact our Community Support Center at 617-628-2601, email info@eldercare.org, or visit our website eldercare.org.
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