No parking

On November 23, 2023, in Latest News, by The Somerville Times

Life in the Ville by Jimmy Del Ponte

It’s getting harder and harder to own a car in Somerville. There are not enough municipal lots and they are taking away more and more parking meters every week. Pulling over to stop and run into a store has become very difficult. Here are social media comments from Somerville people.

“I’ve been in Somerville for over 50 years, the big difference now is the sheer number of cars on the road. Playing street hockey as a kid, we rarely had to move the nets. Now, kids could never play it on the street. We played stickball against the old post office (Now the parking office). You could never do that now. Parked cars, moving cars, the city is packed with vehicles. In the old days, there would be one car per household. Now, everyone has a car. I’m not smart enough to know the answer to the problem, but there has to be a way vehicles, bikes, and pedestrians can find a way to safely coexist.”

“Unfortunately, it’s making Somerville a place to avoid living, working, visiting or investing in its future. Very short-sighted in my opinion.”

“I grew up in Somerville. Glad I don’t live there anymore. Constant traffic, horrible streets, too many one-ways, visitor parking only signs, a million and one parking meters and I could go on and on. So, so different since I was a kid in the fifties and sixties. Moved out in 1970.”

Here’s a good one …. “WHAT THE ACTUAL EFF?!?!?! I drove into Somerville today, and I can honestly tell you … YOU COULDN’T PAY ME ENOUGH TO LIVE THERE!!! 45 minutes to get from Mystic Ave. to Union Square!!!! 2 lanes on McGrath & Highland Ave. chopped up into pieces! Not to mention the detail from Melrose not directing traffic!! It’s insane!! NO THANK YOU!!! I will forever remember Somerville the way I grew up in the 80’s & 90’s!”

I’ll end with this. Where the heck do we park?


2 Responses to “No parking”

  1. Joyce McCann says:

    Hi Jimmy, I love reading your stories they bring back a lot of memories. The city and the state are biting the hands that feed them and so many more. The more they push out cars the less MONEY they will be getting. Think about all the fees, taxes, insurance and maintenance we pay to have a car. Say goodbye to that revenue. Are they going to start charging people to park their bikes and requiring a license to ride one? I like bikes, I want a new ebike but let’s face the reality that not everyone is able or wants to ride a bike or can walk long distances. This does seem very able-ist. And don’t get me started on Davis Square, all I can say is we were lied to back when Assembly was 1st being built. Davis was going to reap the benefits of that additional tax revenue. We were supposed to get new sidewalks new streets, new infrastructure, IT WAS GOING TO BE SO GREAT!. Davis Square is a dump.

  2. Bill McCann says:

    We lived on Whitfield Road, our family, 1942-1956. Dad was born (1912) and raised in Somerville. Manuvering through side streets in Somerville in the 50s was crazy with those big cars. I still miss the convenient public transportation I enjoyed back in the day. And at 81, I’d love living on Whitfield Road again.