The GLX Community Path.
Mayor Katjana Ballantyne is pleased to announce that the final segment of the Community Path Extension between School St. and the Gilman Square Green Line station entrance at Medford St is now open. While the full community path extension was officially opened in June, this section of the path remained closed due to a detour needed to complete construction of Somerville High School Reavis Field.
Following this opening, City of Somerville Department of Public Work staff will remove temporary two-way protected bike lanes from Medford Street between Walnut Street and Pearl Street. This section of Medford St. (Walnut to Pearl) will then reopen to two-way vehicle traffic. Detour removal is expected to take place on Thursday, October 19, or soon after. Please proceed with caution while navigating the new traffic pattern.
During the path segment closure, two-way protected bike lanes were installed nearby to provide a safe and accessible route that reconnected both eastbound and westbound users with the community path. In the interest of safety, the two-way bicycle lane on School Street will remain in place to provide a safe connection for people riding between the community path and Gilman Square.
For more information on the Community Path Extension visit Somervillema.gov/glx.
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