Lyrical Somerville – October 18

On October 18, 2023, in Latest News, by The Somerville Times

Jean Dany Joachim: Community artist, actor, playwright and poet. Former poet populist of Cambridge (2009 – 2011), and the current Poet in Residence at First Church. Jean Dany has been presenting since 2000 the City Night Readings Series in Cambridge which brings together poets, writers, performers, and lovers of literature, poetry, and writing for an evening of literary presentation every month. He serves on the boards of the New England Poetry Club, and (JAE), Jean Appolon Expressions, Dance Company. He says, Life is Good!

Rain memory

Jean Dany Joachim

The afternoon rain
When everything
Suddenly stops
And all rush for cover
When the sun too
Takes refuge
Under the clouds
To watch us from afar
And the warm shower falls
With precipitation
As if it is late
For an important
Cleaning in passing
Deposit dust left
On leaves of trees
And the top
Of houses
Touching all
With its regiments of
Fine drops dripping
Which quick to gather
And form this
Improvise river
Which drags for a ride
All light-weight things
Gathered one the ground
All that is heard
Is the soft streaming
Of water
With all it carries
Wandering the streets
On its way to the sea
And the fine tune of
The evening rain
Carried by the wind,
This symphony of
Rapid drops on
Metal rooftops
Like the blended sound
Of countless
In full harmony
Ay rain memory
When a young boy
In the comfort
Of the house
Quietly savoring
This feast of water
Which will for ever|Give bliss to his mind

— Jean Dany Joachim
November 15, 2007


To have your work considered for the Lyrical send it to:
Doug Holder, 25 School St.; Somerville, MA 02143


1 Response » to “Lyrical Somerville – October 18”

  1. I am honored to have my poem published in Lyrical Somerville –
    Thank You Mr. Holder
